Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fun at the Grocery Store

So Im sure this is not news to many people (at least not people who read DieLine regularly) but I have fallen in love with a few retro inspire packages.  General Mills and Nabisco have both released new limited edition packages with vintage simplistic designs.  If only they carried either of these at the Giant Eagle on Neil Avenue!


Well at least I have my Giant Cheetos

Friday, June 12, 2009

TAB Buddha

So it took me a while to get these images up (I lost my camera last week) but this is what I was playing with a few weeks ago.  Everyone loves the great taste of TAB :

Trends Project - CSCA Welcome Packet

I spent some time this week finishing up my trends project from last semester.  We created a welcome packet for new CSCA members.  The packet included a large poster of the Columbus Creative Community and a datebook/planner with Columbus festival information and sticker pages.